Friday, March 15, 2013

Believing in God: “Because of this”

"For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, because it is God’s power working unto salvation for everyone who believes: first to the Jew then to the Gentile." Romans 1:16
It is my mission in this blog to provide helpful information for living life, serving and loving God with humility and without shame.

            I can’t say anything that hasn’t already been said or done but that’s the point in my blog. I want to spread what God has done in my life and what I have learned from all my situations. The dictionary definition of ashamed is this: Unwilling or restrained because of fear of shame, ridicule, or disapproval.................................
Believing in God:  “Because of this”
I wasn’t popular in High School. I was the quiet, Christian girl walking in the halls who believed in God and never fit in anywhere with my peers.  It was because of this, I would walk up to a conversation with friends and would hear, “Oh you don’t want to hear Bethany, with your virgin ears”, that would shut my mind off and I felt embarrassed that  I wasn’t “cool” enough to be one of those  who could listen in without the “intro” speech to the conversation. It was because of this, that I never got invited to parties,“Oh you wouldn’t have liked it because it wasn’t very good of us.” It was because of this, I’d get told, “I don’t want to tell you, you might think badly of me.”

After high school, I started my first year of college and what a rough year that was! Clinging to my Bible and God for comfort, I started realizing that my thinking was totally wrong all this time.  All along I had just wanted to fit in, belong somewhere in this world.  I mean sure, I’d put a good front on at times but I still felt like there was something missing deep inside. I had begun thinking it was my goal/ purpose in life to belong.

I look back at those years now and think to myself, my purpose in life was there all along. God had been showing me it the whole time. I just hadn’t been ready to see it. Now I see that it was because of God, that today I am happy with the decisions I chose not to do and still haven’t done.  I see now that it was because of God, I have a sense of true belonging that no one can take away from me. It is because of Him that I can sit here and write this blog about how my eyes are now open and my heart ready to be filled with His love.

Being a Christian, yes we are to stand out, but the tricky part: not for our own selves, for God. In the Bible we understand that all good comes from God. In other words, when we do good for others, God is working through us.  We would't be able to do good acts without Him.

 I have had comments to me stating that I didn’t need to prove to everyone that I was a “Christian.” At first I felt embarrassed, was THAT how I came off to people? That I was the important one? That is  not at all what I wanted people to see.  Unfortuately in this world there will be simple minds that don’t see the bigger picture, and they only want to critize you. They don’t understand the whole concept or you for that matter. I have come to realize this and just let people think what they want. God knows the whole picture of how I feel about Him and that’s all that matters. When I share my experiences and what I have been learning from being with God, I’m not doing it for everyone to look at me. I’m doing it for everyone to LOOK AT GOD and what He has done and can do. He wants us to share Him with everyone!

With this being said...pop in the song, “Outcast” from Kerrie Roberts and keep being UnAshamed about who you are with God! Have a great weekend!


  1. Hooray! You did it! So proud of you, girlie. Keep it up.

    1. Thanks to you!!!! I'm so blessed to have you!

  2. You're so wonderful! Yep, we don't fit in, because we aren't meant to! Good on you for knowing that and understanding it!

    1. I seem to remember this wise young lady ^ ^ ;) who told me that it is a complete blessing to be critized and rediculed for being God's followers...well it's about time for me to embrace it!

  3. I've told you before and I'll say it again. I've always looked up to you because of your faith. <3

    1. Awh thanks girlie! That means so much to me! <3
